What is a Restomod?

Have you ever seen a stunningly restored car on the road, and watched in awe as it raced by you in the passing lane as if it were a super-charged muscle car? Well if so, then you’ve borne witness to one of the most glorious creations in the universe: behold the mighty...

How to Find the Right Car Restoration Shop

If you’re new to the world of car restoration (welcome aboard!), or if you’re a seasoned car restoration veteran who regularly attends shows (so do I – make sure you say hello!), the basic fact remains that finding the right car restoration shop is a top priority....

What does a car restoration cost?

Inevitably, and understandably, this is almost always the first question we hear from individuals considering a car restoration. Unfortunately, it’s also the hardest question for us to answer. The reason? Car restoration costs vary greatly from vehicle to vehicle, and...